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We have already started the preparation so please support Roses for Rosh Hashanah either by purchasing for yourself, your family, your friends or for residents at Seven Acres and The Medallion. Some people purchase Roses just for random residents, as a Mitzvah. 

Volunteers will be on site Tuesday 10-1-2024 from 7 pm onward (some of us will arrive earlier in the day to bring the supplies etc.) 

Wednesday Morning 10-2-2024 we will be sorting the orders so that they can be picked up or delivered before eruv RH.


"Thanks" to all who purchased Roses, Thanks to H-e-b who donated towards the expenses and tremendous thanks to Lodge galil brethren and others who volunteered  9-15-2023.

Special THANKS to the jewish herald voice (jhv) for helping to promote our event.

Link to article in 9-21-23 Edition

Selma receives Roses from her Son Mark Silverberg, supplied by HOD Lodge Galil.

Frank Shaw who turns 94 Wed. 9-25-2023 is one of the original organizers of this program

our Mitzvah Man, Scott Gardner, who supplied Kosher food for volunteers.


H-E-B is pleased to provide support of Hebrew Order of David (HOD) Lodge Galil.

It is our sincere hope that our support will help to make your Roses for Rosh Hashanah a success

tag @HEB with #HEBHelpingHere on social media.
For over 115 years, H-E-B has contributed to worthy causes throughout Texas and Mexico, and we continue to support our community as strongly as ever. To help us maintain that tradition, we ask that you encourage members of your organization to visit their nearest H-E-B store.


Hebrew Order of David (HOD) 2023

"Roses for Rosh Hashanah

to benefit Seven Acres & The Medallion.

Place your ORDER now:  Store

2023 erev RH is on a FRIDAY.

This is a rebirth of a very successful program from 30+ years ago.

HOD Lodge Galil will sell Roses for Rosh Hashanah, to the community. People purchase them for themselves, for family and/or for friends. Some purchase them for residents at Seven Acres and the Medallion. HOD makes sure that each and every resident will have a small bouquet of Roses if they or someone has not purchased a dozen.  

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