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  • 24 Nov 2024 11:30 AM | Anonymous member

    L to R:  Larry Caulfield Beth Yeshurun cemetery manager, Bradley Olitzki with his wife and children, Alan Lipman. Harry Brown, Ron Mart, Eric Bishop,  Rabbi Steven Morgen, Stewart Mueller, Mark Katzenellenbogen, Dave Lavine, Ivor Segall, Zak Katzenellenbogen, Issac Johary, Jonathan Barris, Mark Goldberg and Michael Sopher.

    Not pictured: Beth Yeshurun volunteer Woody Fox.

    Published•  JHV

    Thu, Nov 28, 2024

    Congregation Beth Yeshurun associate rabbi and member of Hebrew Order of David Lodge Galil, Rabbi Steven Morgen, unveiled 13 markers at Beth Yeshurun Post Oak Cemetery on Sunday, Nov. 24. He was accompanied by 14 members of HOD and cemetery manager Larry Caulfield. Beth Yeshurun volunteer Woody Fox assisted with the unveilings.

    Both HOD lodges – Galil and Tikvah – have continued their community-wide Gravestone Project that began on Oct. 6, 2019. Their goal is to place a permanent marker on all unmarked Jewish graves. All congregations with cemeteries in Houston also are involved.

    There are still several hundred graves in Houston Jewish cemeteries without markers.

    In some cases, it is not known who is buried in unmarked graves, and because of Houston floods, documents have been lost. Years ago, a small pole with a paper inside identified who was buried in these plots, but often the paper was lost to wind or water.

    The Gravestone Project unveiled its first eight markers, two at four different cemeteries, in 2019. The project got underway at Beth Jacob Cemetery, 2300 Almeda Genoa Rd., continued at Beth Yeshurun Cemetery, 1037 N. Post Oak Rd., then at Beth Israel Memorial Garden, located in the Woodlawn Funeral Home and Cemetery at 1101 Antoine Dr., and finally at Emanu El Memorial Park, 8341 Bissonnet St.

    According to rabbis, providing a grave marker is one of the highest mitzvahs one can do because the person you are doing it for cannot thank you.

    While HOD funded the first eight markers, continuing the project has been made possible by the generosity of members of the community. Gaitz Memorials lends its assistance with purchasing and engraving, and Jose Ramirez and his crew at Ramirez Cemetery Services place the markers.

    To learn more about the Gravestone Project or to donate directly, go to .

  • 1 Oct 2024 7:00 PM | Anonymous member


    To all the VOLUNTEERS, SUPPORTERS and DONORS who helped make this event such a success once again.

    The "smiles on the residents faces said it all"

    Pictures of the event and distribution will be added to our HOD Lodge Galil Website ASAP.

    This is the link to this weeks JHV article and picture.

  • 26 May 2024 10:00 AM | Anonymous member

    "Flags for Fallen Vets" takes place the Sunday before Memorial Day at Houston's National Cemetery 2nd only to Arlington.

    Volunteers plant flags on graves in preparation for Memorial Day. (FYI there are many Jewish graves all around the cemetery.) 

    HOD & Jewish Veterans (JWV Levy Post 574) both assist with this Mitzvah.

    It is a family friendly event.


  • 17 Apr 2024 9:44 PM | Anonymous member

    During the dinner Men from all denominations of Judaism mingled,
    socialized and enjoyed a schnapps together. One attendee was overheard
    commenting that this is probably something that only happens in Houston.

    Historically HOD Lodge Galil who also comprise of members from all
    forms of Judaism or lack thereof, have the largest contingent of

    The Hebrew Order of David is an outstanding non-profit Jewish fraternal
    organization committed to the ideals of Unity, Fraternity, Love and
    Peace across the world, and the personal development of the members.
    These ideals have been practiced by HOD International since our earliest
    days in 1896 when HOD started in ENGLAND.

    below are some of our volunteers who assisted at the 19th Men&#39;s Mock Seder.

    L to R: Roy Wagenheim, Shawn Jackson, Neil Scheckter, Marc Passy, Bradley Olitzki, Marc Dockery, Steve Plumb &amp; Harry Brown.

    L to R: Steve Plumb, Marc Passy &amp; Bradley Olitzki.

  • 3 Mar 2024 4:00 PM | Anonymous member

    The HOD Lodge GALIL team did a great job & everyone LOVED our Chili.

    Meir Kirshner's smile pictured below, said it all.

    Socialize, Booze & Donations in the box & most importantly,


    Mark Goldberg, part of the early morning Team.

    Our super expert clean up crew, THANKS  Damon.


    We ended the event by performing a GREAT MITZVAH.

    We donated our leftovers to "Second Servings".

    Damon & Harry were a great clean up crew.

  • 18 Jan 2024 9:00 PM | Anonymous member

     Pictured above, most of the Brethren who attended.

     HOD Lodge Galil started the year off with a great event.

    We started with Schnapps & Chavershaft at 6:30 pm before the OLM Meeting at 7 pm. This was followed by more Chavershaft, Snacks & Speaker, 

    Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.

    * * *

  • 17 Oct 2023 9:00 PM | Anonymous member

    We had the pleasure of hosting the HOD GRAND President (Worldwide),  WB Anton Tepper from London and the GRAND Vice-President WB David Joss from Atlanta to our joint Lodge Galil & Lodge Tikvah OLM Meeting.

    Link to article & pictures featured in the Jewish Herald Voice (JHV) Hebrew Order of David engaged in Hatzalah fundraising campaign

    Bro. Scott Gardner our "Mitzvah Man" once again was recognized and thanked for all that he does for our Lodge.

  • 28 May 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Sunday 5-28-2023 

    Once again HOD & JWV participated in this Mitzvah, with family members assistance.

    L to R:  Ray Sass, Steve Meyer, Leonard Goldberg, Lawrence Barris, Josh Sanchez, Damon Soffer, Joe Blog, Jack Schlossberg,  Martin Lindenberg, Zak Katzenellenbogen, Colin Kantor & Mark Katzenellenbogen.  

    Back row: Bro.Josh Sanchez, Richard Meador & Wor.Bro. Lawrence Barris.

    Middle row: CJ Meador, Cindy Meador, Wright Meador, Ava Olitzki, Sharlene Barris & Jodi (Barris) Sanchez.

    Front row: Mackay Meador, Juliette Sanchez, Jake Sanchez &  Evan Meador.

    Bro. Jack Schlossberg (JWV Levy Post 574 Immediate Past Commander) assisted by Lodge Galil Bro. Zak K.

    Wor. Bro. Joe Blog (Lodge Galil Immediate Past President) places a flag assisted by Bro. Martin Lindenberg.


    Sunday 5-29-2022 at 9 am:

    Members of Houston’s two Hebrew Order of David Lodges, their wives, family members and friends met at the Houston Veterans’ Cemetery to plant American Flags at the graves to commemorate Memorial Day. 

    The annual event was very well coordinated by HOD Galil board member Mark Katzenellenbogen.

    Joining the HOD people were members of Houston’s Jewish War Veterans Post 574.  TAPS was expertly blown on the bugle by Russel Haehl.

    This is the sixth consecutive year that HOD has been a part of this important memorial.

    Some unaffiliated Jewish volunteers appreciated joining the group and reciting Kaddish prior to the formal Flags for Fallen Vets event.

    Pictures  below:

    IMG-8933 Early group at the grave of Edward Zavon

    IMG-8936   TAPS was expertly blown on the bugle by Russel Haehl.

    IMG-8944  The Josh Sanchez family and friend


    IMG-8946  Lawrence Barris and daughter Jodi Barris Sanchez

    IMG-8949  Volunteers including JWV's.

    IMG-8951  The McIngvale family

    IMG-8958 IMG-8944  Bradley Olitzki and family  


    IMG-8959  Ben Katkin and David Lewis salute after placing a flag   

    IMG-8968 Group at the grave of Edward Zavon

    After volunteering HOD & JWV's paid respects at two other graves.

    IMG-1588 -  Julien D SAKS & Wife Lucy-Jane SAKS

    IMG-1598 Stanley A Goldstein

    IMG-1598 Wife Pauline Kaminsky Goldstein

  • 18 May 2023 7:00 PM | Anonymous member

    HOD LODGE GALIL - Blood Drive followed by Social Chavershaft & Speaker.

    Thanks to Wor. Bro. Paul Wainstein who arranged The Gulf Coast Blood Drive Coach.

    We had a great turnout of donors and participants at our Social event.

    Thanks to Rabbi Yossi & Esty Zaklikofsky at the Shul of Bellaire for hosting us at their location and Bro. Harry Brown who coordinated things with them. 

    Thanks to our Mitzvah Man, Bro. Scott Gardner who sponsored a great (MKT) dinner catered by Meital Betesh, owner of  "Oh Mama Kitchen Kosher Catering with Style" 

    Thanks to Bro. Mark Goldberg for arranging the Speaker - Amy Frake with the Houston Holocaust Museum who talked about the remodeling of the Museum and the new exhibits. She answered many questions.

    Thanks to Bro. Andrew Toubin for arranging Table Lodge and a special Thanks to Wor. Bro. Alan Lipman for bringing over our Schnapps that is housed in a secure location.

    The evening ended with Bro. Lu Dorfman and Bro. Eric Bishop presenting a check to Wor. Bro. Alan Lipman for the HOD Houston Gravestone Marker Project from their employer, Houston Jewish Funerals.

    *** finis ***  

  • 12 Mar 2023 1:50 PM | Anonymous member

    17 Brethren attended the unveiling plus 6 members from TJHS (Texas Jewish Historical Society). Rabbi Steve Morgan (HOD Galil Member) lead the formalities and Woody Fox and Larry Caulfield from Beth Yeshurun assisted.   

    Left to Right:

    HOD Houston Members: Mark Katzenellenbogen, Jack Schlossberg, Alan Maleh, Ray Sass, Isaac Johary, Ron Kammerman, Steve Meyer, Scott Gardner, David Landau, Zak Katzenellenbogen, Robert Tartell, Ralph Grenville, Ralph Burdett, Alan Lipman, Lu Dorfman, Rabbi Steve Morgan & Mark Goldberg.

    Left to Right: Larry Caulfield & Woody Fox, Husband and Barbara Rosenberg & another couple from TJHS, Rabbi Steve Morgan amd WB Alan Lipman.

    Above includes HOD Houston Brethren who are members at Beth Yeshurun plus Larry and Woody who co-ordinate on BY's behalf, plus some of the TJHS members.  

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Lodge Galil, Houston, TX

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