Brethren All,
We received an invitation to join London HOD Lodge comedy Zoom - see below or attached. Please take note - start time shown is London time and due to daylight savings time it will correspond to in 3 pm Houston.
Regards, Bro. Mark K.
Lodge Galil Scribe
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Worthy Brethren & Brethren,
This month, we are doing something slightly (or completely) different. We are having a comedy evening following a very brief Open Lodge meeting.
The login details are on the flyer - copied BELOW.
Please join us for a very merry evening and don’t forget to bring a bottle !!!
I look forward to seeing you on Zoom.
Fraternal Greetings
WB Stephen Hubert
The Hebrew Order of David UK
A Joint Open Lodge Meeting with a difference
Thursday 18th @8:00 pm HOD presentation on our updated
Wild Apricot Website
Followed at 8:30 pm by
‘HOD Comedy Evening’
An evening of comedy with Garrett Millerick, acclaimed stand
up comedian, writer and director.
His sitcom Do Gooders starring Jack Dee and Meera Syal is
currently being developed for television.
Thursday March 18th, 2021 starts 8:00 PM UK time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 968 8657 7007
Passcode: 054401
Looking forward to seeing you & having a L’Chaim together
WB Laurence Gishen
Gov Lodge President